Bend and Break: Why Try a Rubber Wedding Band

Should you try a rubber wedding band? Odds are yes, and the reason is safety. Rubber wedding bands are built to bend and break, which results in safety.


Why Should You Try A Rubber Wedding Band?

Ever heard of the Jimmy Fallon story, where he experienced a freak accident in his home one day by tripping on a braided rug? He was a victim of ring avulsion, and almost lost his finger because of his wedding ring.

Had he not been wearing a metal ring, his hand would have been fine. Unfortunately, he wouldn’t be honoring his commitments to his wife, however, he could still wear his ring and be safe if he chose to wear a rubber wedding band.

You Want Your Ring To Bend And Break.

If you were to try and bend your metal wedding ring, what would happen? It would not break. Instead, it could damage your finger because your finger would be stuck. Trapped. Unable to escape or break free.

When it comes to a rubber wedding band, your ring would bend and break. With SafeRingz, you can rely on your finger being safe. And with our affordable ring selection, you can easily replace your rubber wedding bands or purchase them in bulk for any and every occasion.

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Why wear a silicone wedding ring?

Silicone rings – what’s with all the hype?

Since the original silicone wedding ring came onto the scene back in 2005, sporting a silicone ring has become popular with a wide array of people. 

You’ve probably seen your fellow gym rat, outdoor enthusiast, or even your local mechanic wearing one. The truth is, there are a variety of reasons you may want to wear a silicone ring instead of a metal one. 

And if you are thinking about purchasing one, you probably have a few questions.

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What is Silicone? (And why make a ring out of it?)

As a company that makes silicone wedding rings, we talk a lot about the benefits of silicone.

Like how it’s durable enough to hold up to everyday wear and tear. And at the same time, it will break under pressure to keep you and your fingers safe.

But what actually is silicone?

We thought it was time to talk about the material our rings are made of – and why we make rings out of this versatile substance in the first place.

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